Throughout history, Jewish communities were built and shaped around “Time and the Calendar.”
Taking a close look at the holidays-the story behind them, the customs that were created and changed
Over generations – teaches us about the ways in which Jewish communities in the past and present
Have shaped themselves.
This series examines various aspects of the role of holidays and the Jewish and Israeli calendar:
The effect of man, his family and community on the ways in which traditions and holidays change
During intergenerational and geographic transitions, and the role of Israeli and American
Nationalism in shaping our identity.
In these sessions we will examine traditional and contemporary Israeli holidays, as well as explore tools for creating a common Calendar for Israeli and Jewish communities in the USA.
This series is supported by the Mayberg Foundation and facilitated by Iris Aharonovich
Participation is free of charge
Sessions Dates:
August: 25
September: 8, 22
October: 6