IAC Council Member, Austin
Lily Saad grew up in Israel. After living in Mexico, Panama, New York and Los Angeles, the Saad’s moved to Austin Texas in 1990 where they have lived for the last 32 years. In addition to running their real estate investment company, Lily & Yigal have been very active in the Austin community. Lily & Yigal are member of Agudas Achim Synagogue, past board member of the Jewish Federation, now Shalom Austin, the Austin Jewish day School; Co-Founders of the Austin ADL chapter in Austin and ADL National board member; active supporter of Austin’s Jewish Family Service, Chabad and Texas Hillel. Additionally, Lily & Yigal are actively supporting the Weitzman Institute and are very involved with Sheba Medical Center. Lily serves as a board member on both the Sheba Pancreatic Cancer Center in Israel and the Friends of Sheba southwestern chapter. Lily joined the IAC Council in Austin in 2019.