The Jewish Federation – YAD, IAC (Israeli American Council), AJC (American Jewish Committee), ScienceAbroad, and the Consulate General of Israel are thrilled to open a new year of “Science and Business at The Bar” lectures (formerly “Science on the Rocks”).
Our first lecture this year will focus on the diamond industry in the US and Israel, presented by Jonathan Zadok. Jonathan, the owner of the luxury Zadok Jewelry store, will discuss his family’s heritage in the diamond business, the differences between diamonds and their processing, and the important role of Israel in the industry.
How can you choose the best diamond based on purity, clarity, and cut? What distinguishes real diamonds from lab-grown ones? And how can you build a successful Jewish family-owned business in the US?
You don’t need to be in this field or have any prior knowledge—the lectures are open to everyone! This is your chance to learn why Israel was named the Start-Up Nation, straight from the source.
And enjoy all this with a cold beer 🍻 or a glass of wine 🍷!
Location: Details will be sent after registration.
Come and join us!